Honestly, dedicated felt a lot saner than the year does because you're not trying to do 10 other things at the same time.

That leaves plenty of hours to eat good food, see a friend, watch lots of TV. Even if you sleep eight hours a day, you have 16 hours left during those weeks. Scores that stall during the year start shooting up during dedicated, what takes you a week to get through during the year takes a day during dedicated. The time during dedicated is so much longer than you think. However, don't get frustrated if you feel like you're not making progress during the year. It's hard to find a happy in between but I think for most people it's important to at least do some studying before the four to five weeks you take to study for the exam. People are really stressed, constantly talking about Step, and everyone's doing different things to study and you can fall into the trap of trying to play catch-up all the time, or you can also fall into the trap of just avoiding doing any studying until dedicated. So many of us had moments where we hit the wall and seriously doubted our ability to make it through to the end.

If you take an NBME practice test and do much worse than you expected, you're not alone.
Take at least one full afternoon off each week to do something fun.
Feel free to spend about 30 to 45 each day watching a TV show or doing some other relaxing activity. Don't drink (I had one drink a week, maybe). My mom cooked for me, did my laundry, and I wasted no time leaving the house to study. Strongly consider going home for dedicated. There is no reason to indulge in this toxic environment. If people around you are stressing you out before dedicated, avoid those people or avoid talking about Step. Do not multitask during the dedicated study period.

Be free of responsibilities besides Feinberg exams and Step studying by February if at all possible. Protect your time starting in pre-dedicated studying after winter break.Know that it's okay if you don't reach all the goals you set out to in the beginning.This definitely helped me get through the day. For me it was watching Netflix while meal-prepping. Find something you actually enjoy doing for study breaks. For a lot of people that's working out, which is really healthy and great.Its usually hard for me to wake up from a nap and be productive, but I always felt a little bit guilty when I would take a nap and that consciously reinforced high productivity when I got back to it afterward. For all the nappers out there, I found taking naps in the afternoon a successful way to kind of restart my drive to study afterward.I would suggest to only redo questions you have flagged or incorrect rather than restarting the entire bank. I know a lot of people who restarted UWorld and didn't think the second time through was very beneficial. Consider saving unseen UWorld questions for the last week to keep yourself fresh.Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine students who scored more than one standard deviation above the national mean on the United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 offer words of wisdom related to the exam: